
What We Offer

Choose from our popular services

Male and Female Workshops

Starts from € -

During our workshops we discover what is authentic, the life force related to our heart. We root ourselves in our own masculinity and femininity so that they stay with us for the rest of our lives. These workshops are dedicated to both men and women.

Finding Your Partner

Starts from € -

We all have a masculine and feminine side, father-mother, giving-receiving. Partners are a reflection of our inner polarity. In the workshop we become more of our inner world, very practically but outspoken. Deep experience in finding your partner.

Spiritual Men's Growth

Starts from € 49

Our energy field around the body is an interactive field of energy, it can be cleaned, activated and programmed. The unseen energy of each person makes us more aware of all our potentials. Every man can be spiritual.

Father's Ceremony

Starts from € 49

Working in a small group of men, to learn more about authenticity in life and passing it on to (future) sons. You will feel the quality to do your suns’ initiation, specially shaped for him.

Awakening The Illuminated Heart ®

Starts from € 555

Drunvalo Melchizedek’s licensed training within the Memories Restoration School includes deep work from the heart and access to one’s own source of Wisdom and unlimited Potential.

Private Session

Starts from € 99

The most exclusive service I can offer to You. Together we look for the best solutions during a private session where you can look at life from a new perspective based on insight into the Akashic Records.

Meeting with Tom de Winter FOR FREE

We meet every first and third Wednesday of the month to keep our masculine energy alive



sharing experience

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My life story, contact with many people, cultures and course participants, a story that everyone dreams of I think

Life is to be together with
people and circumstances


Our Amazing Work


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Upcoming workshop for men, 13-16 June